Living So Hum


“Life should not be about surviving, it should be about thriving. “

So = inhale // Hum = exhale

I cannot tell you how long I settled in my life for “okay”. Content but not exhilarated. Living, but not alive. I continuously fell into bouts of “stuckness” - fight, flight or freeze - that I could never shake. I tried to heal one part of myself at a time thinking “if I become more fit, my mind will settle” or “if I practice yoga, I’ll find the answers to my problems”. While those instincts were not wrong, I was not utilizing my full power of healing. Instead of looking at my health as whole (body, mind and soul), I tried making healing all about the physical. It wasn’t until I began a holistic approach to living that healing took place.

Physical - Mental - Emotional - Spiritual

So Hum was dreamt out of the idea that we are all apart of something larger than ourselves. Not only do we exist within the Universe, the Universe has the potential to thrive within us.

“Do you really want to look back on your life and see how wonderful it could have been had you not been afraid to live it?”

— Caroline Myss